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What do I do if there's an emergency?Patients are advised to dial 000 immediately if they are experiencing what they believe to be a medical emergency. Some common signs of a medical emergency include: Chest pain or discomfort Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Severe abdominal pain Uncontrolled bleeding or a head injury Seizures or convulsions Severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis Loss of consciousness or altered mental status Signs of a stroke, such as facial drooping, arm weakness, or slurred speech If you experience any of these symtoms during your visit at the Goulburn Medical Clinic or Goulburn Specialist Centre, please inform our staff immediately.
What can I do for after hours care?Our practice runs an after-hours clinic each Saturday between the hours of 9am-12pm. Patients can book an appointment for the after-hours clinic via HotDoc, or they can present as a walk-in patient. On the day and emergency appointments are reserved for this clinic, and all staff members are well educated in how to effectively triage patients who require after-hours care. For urgent medical care outside of our regular opening hours, please phone the Goulburn Base Hospital on (02) 4825 4000 or present to the emergency department at 130 Goldsmith Street. HealthDirect After Hours GP Helpline Callers to the healthdirect helpline during the after-hours period are assessed by a registered nurse who may determine if they would benefit from speaking with a GP. If so, an after hours GP can contact the caller by phone or video call. In an emergency, the caller is transferred directly to triple zero (000). The after hours GP helpline uses the National Health Services Directory to direct callers to local services when they are available. Our practice ensures that patients are aware of the after hours GP helpline and its services by displaying posters containing this information in the waiting areas of the clinic, and by educating all team members to inform patients when appropriate.
Are you wheelchair friendly?We provide ramp access for patients who require aides such as wheelchairs or walkers. We provide adequate car parking close to our practice, with specific disabled parking outside the practice. Our practice has automatic access doors to facilitate easy access for all patients, including those with mobility issues. Our staff will assist patients who require additional support, such as wheelchair access, when entering or leaving the building. We have wheelchairs on site that are available for borrowing on the day.
Can you provide an interpreter?If you need to use other forms of communication (e.g., patients from culturally and linguistic diverse backgrounds or those with a communication impairment), our reception staff can arrange for an interpreter or other communication aids to be present during your consultation.
How do I make a GP appointment?For GP appointments, you can go to and select your preferred doctor and appointment time. Alternatively, please call us on 02 48230200 (option 1) and speak with one of our friendly staff to book in.
How do I make a specialist appointment?All new specialist appointments will require a referral, which can be emailed to Once the referral has been triaged by the doctor, the reception staff will contact you to arrange an appointment time. Please ensure that your contact details are up to date on the referral prior to sending. Allow approximately 1 week to receive a call. For review appointments, please contact us on 0248230200 (option 2) to make your appointment.
How do I make an allied health appointment?While it is not necessary to have a referral to see your allied health provider, you may not receive a Medicare rebate with out one. Some of our allied health work directly with us, and others are visitors. Please contact the provider on the numbers below:
Do you do workcover consultations?If your visit is workcover related, please advise our staff when making your appointment. If it's a new matter, or you are new to the clinic, you will be required to supply some additional information to us.
Do you do home visits?Our practice provides home and other visits to regular practice patients when it safe and reasonable to do so. Home and other visits are offered and scheduled at the discretion of the treating GP, and are subject to the following considerations: The patient must live within a reasonable radius of our practice. The treating GP must determine if it is clinically appropriate and safe to conduct a home visit. The GP must consider the potential for violence or risk of infection when determining if it is safe to conduct a home visit. The GP must determine if the circumstances mean that the patient needs to be visited at home instead of coming into the practice. If you would like to arrange a home visit, please contact our friendly reception staff.
Do you do pre employment medicals?Pre-employment medicals are available in our GP clinic. Each medical is different, however if you require an audio or spirometry, these will be arranged around the same time as your appointment with the doctor. If a drug screen is required, the doctor will refer you to Capital Pathology. Pre-Employment Medicals start at $150. Please discuss your requirements with our receptionists for a quote, by emailing or phoning 02 48230200 (option 1)
Do you do procedures?Yes, we do minor procedures, dressings, removal of sutures, excision of lesions, post-operative visits, ECG's, spirometries and audio tests. Your GP or specialist will arrange an appointment that suits you.
How do I get the results of my blood test/xray?The results of any investigations such as blood tests, other pathology or scans are reviewed by the doctor who referred you. If the doctor believes your results need discussion, you will receive a call asking you to make an appointment. Otherwise, please allow 72 hours before calling the surgery for your medical results. We currently do not offer SMS or email as a point of contact for results.
Does your clinic offer walk-in appointments?Consultations are by appointment only, however urgent cases will always be seen by the first available doctor and the practice makes every effort to accommodate walk-ins where possible. Our policy is to ensure that all patients, including walk-ins, are appropriately triaged and receive the necessary medical care in a timely and efficient manner. If your condition is urgent, reception staff will inform the first available doctor, and you will be be seen as soon as possible. If your condition is non-urgent, reception staff will provide you with the next available appointment time.
Can I contact my doctor?If you believe the matter is urgent or serious, please tell our receptionists immediately. Please discuss your need to speak to your doctor with our experienced receptionists. We may also suggest you speak to one of our registered practice nurses who may be able to assist in the first instance. As our doctors are mostly unavailable while consulting, you may leave a message and our doctors will return your call within 48 hours.
Where can I get further information on other health services?There are a range of posters, leaflets, and brochures about health issues relevant to the community available for all of our patients in the waiting room and consulting rooms. Translation Service - Local Health and Support Services: Community Mental Health Team Admin – Ph: 4827 3257 Intake (24 hours) Ph: 1800 011 511 One Door Mental Health Services Contact: Kathleen Ross 0400 533 052 Headspace Goulburn provides early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services. Anglicare Disability Services – Goulburn Family Support Service – National Health Services: 24 hour Health Advice Line – 1800 022 222 Get Healthy – Information and coaching services – Australian Government Department of Health, Indigenous Health Information – use this link as a starting point for ATSI health services and plans. National Quit Smoking Help – National Immunisation Schedule (and more) – 1800 653 809 National Diabetes Services Scheme – 1300 136 588 The National Bowel Cancer Screening Program – The National Cervical Screening Program – The Heart Foundation – Cancer Council of NSW – Diabetes Australia – 1300 136 588 – Poisons Information Line – 131 126 Kidney Health Australia – 1800 454 363 Legal Aid NSW – Free Legal helpline – 1300 888 529 Seniors Rights Services – 1800 424 079 Department of Veterans Affairs – General Enquiries – 1800 555 254 Australian Commission on Safety & Quality in Health Care – Therapeutic Goods & Administration Consumer Medicines Information –
Repeat Prescriptions and referralsFor regular medications, patients are encouraged to ensure that they have a sufficient number of repeat prescriptions before leaving the surgery, to ensure continuity of medication until their next scheduled visit. It is up to the individual practitioner whether they will issue a repeat prescription without consultation. Practice policy is that new referrals will not be provided to patients without consultation with a practitioner.
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